
Winter Holiday Club

“Youth are the generation that will help save our ocean and our future.”  António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN

Nurturing a love and appreciation for our oceans and their conservation must happen from an early age.  Ideally, this should also not take place in a formal setting such as a classroom, but outdoors where fun activities spark future-proof memories.  

holiday club 01 300x200 1Environmental education forms an important component of SST’s Community Outreach and Capacity Building schools programme, and recently we partnered with the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) to host our second holiday club of the year for children between the ages of six and twelve.  By engaging the learners in fun, practical activities that stir all the senses we aim to instil in them a sense of stewardship and love for our marine environments.  With 66 children attending the three-day event, the feedback we received suggests that the initiative had an immensely positive effect on them, and we are already planning to increase participation at our next event which will be held in September.

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